SRH Hochschule in Nordrhein-Westfalen

orange but green

Our contribution to a better future

Our projects

For a sustainable life

The university has decided to support projects that, in addition to future-oriented sustainability effects, also result in optimizations in workplace design and creation. Project-related, the university is now initially investing in the areas of forest reforestation, green wind energy and job creation.

Project of the Madre de Dios Federation of Brazil Nut Concessioners FEPROCAMD

The university supports the project of the Madre de Dios Federation of Brazil Nut Concessioners FEPROCAMD (Association of Brazilian Brazil Nut Traders). It aims to prevent deforestation and maintain environmental integrity on 300,000 hectares of concession land in high quality rainforest. Furthermore, it helps to take initiatives that increase both the value of the healthy forest and the revenues generated by the sustainable Brazil nut harvest and enable the concessionaires to protect and conserve their forest.

Agrawal Renewable Energy Private Limited (AREPL) Project

The second project supported by the university is that of the promoter Agrawal Renewable Energy Private Limited (AREPL) in western India. The aim is to develop a 14.70 MW wind power project at the Jath site, Taluka-Jath, Sangli District, Maharashtra State in India. The project will generate electricity from wind energy and feed the generated electricity into the regional grid. In addition to generating electricity from wind power, it also creates jobs and develops efficient technologies.

SRH is committed to moor conservation

In autumn 2021, the SRH University in North Rhine-Westphalia started its sustainability strategy under the name "orange but green". Through an evaluation of the CO2 footprint of the workforce and through the support of two sustainability projects in India and Peru, the university was one of the few universities in Germany to achieve the status "climate positive". The SRH has now identified another project that it supports and is involved in the moor renaturation in the natural area of ​​the Diepholz moor lowland. "We made a conscious decision to also become active regionally as a university," says Dr. Jane Gleißberg, responsible for the sustainability strategy at the SRH. Peat soils cover an area of ​​14,190 km² in Germany, but around 95% of these areas have been drained and destroyed. With the destruction of the moors, many characteristic animal species lose their habitat, so that most moor species are endangered or even threatened with extinction. The SRH would like to support this with its commitment and has therefore secured a 240 m² moor area, which means that the supervising Bergwaldprojekt e.V. can now maintain and renature this area for the preservation of countless animal species and for storing carbon dioxide. “Many people may not be aware of the importance of moors, but they are of great importance for water retention and climate protection. In addition, they are important carbon reservoirs and important for the diversity of species and habitats," concludes Gleißberg.

Project III: BeeFuture
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Project III: BeeFuture

Bee part of it!

A further project, the SRH made itself available as a sponsor of a bee colony. Bees are the backbone of our ecosystem. More than 80% of native flowering plants depend on pollination. A third of global food production depends on bees and other insects. This is where beefuture comes in. The mission: to save the bee. Beefuture operates sustainable nature and environmental protection with the help of companies and their investments in bee colonies. The SRH University supports this project.

More to beefuture
Here we reforest the rainforest
Here we are expanding wind energy
Here we reduce our CO² footprint

Always one step ahead

The topic of "sustainability" is a central topic in the strategic orientation of the university. Therefore, it should not stop with the projects mentioned above and their support. The university has already initiated further measures for climate and environmental protection. In addition to our commitment to corresponding climate projects as part of the certification, it is important for us to implement specific projects at the university and ideally with the involvement of our students. The "Applied Sustainability Sciences M.Sc." was created specifically for this topic.