SRH Hochschule in Nordrhein-Westfalen

SRH University receives the seal "climate positive"

As one of only a few universities in Germany, the SRH University in North Rhine-Westphalia has now been awarded the "climate positive" seal.

Fassadenschild der SRH NRW

SRH University o.A.S. in NRW receives the seal "climate positive"

As one of only a few universities in Germany, the SRH University in North Rhine-Westphalia has now been awarded the "climate positive" seal. Prerequisite for the certification were concrete measures to avoid climate-damaging emissions based on a detailed survey to determine the CO2 footprint.
On the one hand, the university supports the project of the Madre de Dios Federation of Brazil Nut Concessioners FEPROCAMD (Federation of Brazilian Brazil Nut Traders). It aims to prevent deforestation and maintain environmental integrity on 300,000 hectares of land plantations in high-value rainforest. Furthermore, it helps to implement initiatives that increase both the value of the healthy forest and the income generated by sustainable Brazil nut harvesting, enabling landowners to protect and conserve their forest.
The second project supported by the university is that of Agrawal Renewable Energy Private Limited (AREPL), a project proponent in western India. This is to develop a 14.70 MW wind power project at Jath, Taluka-Jath, Sangli district, Maharashtra state in India. The project will generate power from wind energy and feed the generated power to the regional grid. It will also serve to create jobs and develop efficient technologies, in addition to generating electricity from wind power.
"These projects are just the beginning of making a contribution to social, ecological and economic sustainability as part of our corporate social responsibility," said Rector Prof. Dr. Lars Meierling.
It will not stop at these activities; the university has already initiated further measures for climate and environmental protection. "In addition to the commitment to appropriate climate projects as part of the certification, it is important for us to implement concrete projects at the university in this context and ideally with the involvement of our students. We are also currently designing a degree program on the topic of sustainability and transformation, which is to be launched as early as 2022," says Dr. Jane Gleißberg, who manages SRH's specific sustainability projects.